Our data protection services for companies in Switzerland

OBSECOM GmbH offers data protection services for companies with business activities in Switzerland.

Datenschutzberater Schweiz

Data protection consultant for Swiss companies

With the modernisation of the Federal Act on Data Protection, Switzerland is adapting data protection to changed circumstances. Swiss companies must now prepare themselves and immediately comply with the new legal provisions on data protection when the law comes into force. With its data protection services, OBSECOM GmbH supports Swiss companies as a data protection consultant in complying with the new requirements. Learn more about data protection consultants Switzerland

Datenschutzberater Schweiz

Data protection management with the OBSECOM platform

The OBSECOM platform is a powerful data protection management software that supports companies in the creation and maintenance of their data protection documentation. Numerous wizards, templates and workflows make it much easier to create documents. The platform fulfils all verification obligations of the revDSG in an uncomplicated way and ensures that companies have complete documentation at all times. By using the OBSECOM platform, companies can ensure that they fulfil the requirements of the revDSG and other data protection guidelines.

Our services

Ongoing support as part of our data protection service is mainly computerised via the OBSECOM platform, to which your responsible employees have access. The platform offers the following options, for example:

  • Documentation of technical and organisational measures;
  • Recording contractual regulations on order processing;
  • Creating directories of processing activities;
  • Templates for creating data protection declarations and responding to enquiries;
  • Submitting information for review and approval by the data protection advisor;
  • Logging data protection violations;
  • Templates and checklists for data protection-related topics;
  • Task management with reminders to review required measures;
  • Processes for data protection impact assessment and risk analysis;
  • Storage of own documents (contracts, declarations, etc.) in a document library;
  • Training documents and videos for employees